May 31, 2021

Faith or fear

“(as it is written, “I have made you a father of many nations”) in the presence of Him whom he believed (that is) God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did;”   Romans 4:17

Have you ever heard someone say or maybe you have said it yourself, “I’m afraid ____________ is going to happen.”  Maybe it’s something like cold weather or rain.  Maybe something a little more personal and serious like sickness or even disease.  Maybe it’s something you’re afraid for yourself or for someone else, but here’s the thing, when you speak the things you are afraid of (whether you are actually afraid or just considering) you are actually giving life to them. Speaking words puts your breath/life behind them.

Today’s scripture is about Abraham and how God made him the father of many nations long before he even had one child.  God made the promise to Abraham and then Abraham believed it and began speaking it.   Abraham didn’t go around saying, “God said it would happen but I’m afraid we just can’t have children or a whole nation.”  Abraham believed God and so he began to speak what God promised him.  In fact,  as we talked about yesterday, the scriptures says that Abraham “believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.”  Abraham not only believed God, but he showed his belief by speaking what God had promised.  God changed his name from Abram to Abraham which literally meant “father of nations.”  He didn’t go around saying I can’t call myself Abraham because I am not a father of nations yet.  He took the promise of God and gave life to it by speaking it every time he said his own name.  It grew so big in him until one day he believed it so much that it opened the door for God to come in and do a miracle.

Here’s the point . . . We today can speak what we fear or what we believe.  It is up to us to give “voice” to the promises of God both from His Word and from His Spirit.  We cannot be intimidated by the world’s philosophy of speaking doubt and unbelief.  We must take our stand on the Word of God for it to become evident in our lives.  This also applies to our current circumstances. God and His Word (Jesus) are more real than any circumstance but we cannot continue to agree with the seen, temporary, present things. (2 Corinthians 4:8)  We have to ask God for the wisdom to speak what He is about to do in the situation, the changes He is going to make, and then speak the promises that He gives us.  2 Corinthians 4:13 says, “And since we have the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, “I believed and therefore I spoke,” we also believe and therefore speak.”  Now is when we make the decision, “do I speak what I see and what I fear the outcome will be or do I speak and agree with what God sees the outcome can be if I trust Him?”  The choice is up to you.

Today I encourage you to consider your words over your circumstances.  Pay attention to the words you are saying over the details of your life and over the struggles of your life.  Consider if you are agreeing with your circumstances or if you are agreeing with God and His Word on every level.  Here’s the thing, you are saying something anyway that probably hasn’t happened yet, why not take the God side of the issue and say His Word over it instead of the fear side?  Not only will His Words bring peace of mind, they will bring the results you desire for all the concerns surrounding your life.

Today’s scripture reading:  Romans 4:13-25

Published by L. Lyden

Lynette is a recently published author and coordinator of Voices Magazine who endeavors to use her gifts and influence to encourage and promote aspiring writers. Her Daily Dose blog has been an outlet for her to encourage readers to walk closer to God each day. She is a wife, mother and grandmother who loves spending time and going on special outings with her family.

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